Why are these guys so wonderful?! I took a few (not nearly all) of the characters I'm currently crushing on and tried to figure it out.
Special Agent Sealy Booth - Bones
For years, people had been telling me that I should be watching Bones, but I didn't really listen until about a year ago. And oh-my-goodness am I hooked. Sealy is probably the toughest, hottest character on tv right now. He's a beast: former Army Ranger sniper, current FBI agent. He's goofy: always wearing multi-colored socks, a crazy tie, and a "cocky" belt buckle. He's a total sweetheart: great dad, goes out of his way to make sure everyone around him is safe from all of the craziness. He has a bit of a dark past, which most ladies seem to go gaga for (it'll be a reoccurring theme in this post, for sure). Overall, I'm ready to marry this man. Let's make that happen.
Dream Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Spike - Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Dream Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Pacey Whitter - Dawson's Creek
Yet another 90s show I'm currently watching! I'm only two seasons in, but let me tell you - Pacey is totally my high school lover. He's totally misunderstood by his family, peers, and teachers - it just makes me want to hug him!! He's currently (for me, since I'm way behind) dating a crazy chick, but he's adorably sweet with her and protects her from a lot of the criticism from people at school. I'm really hoping that things start going a little better for him. Or that his dad drops off the face of the planet.
Dream Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Detective Jim Longworth - The Glades
This show frustrates the heck out of me. Like the guy is totally perfect, but the girl he's in love with is still married and pretty much just bitches about her life all the time. Stop making my man angry!! Jim is kind of your typical rogue detective character - doesn't play by the rules, always seems to get into a stand-off, and is an incredibly smooth-talker. He's also got an accent that I just can't place. But it's a goodun!
Dream Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥
Jim Halpert - The Office
Jim is the perfect person to have around any office. He's not a bad-boy type, but he's constantly plotting new ways to mess with coworkers - which is adorable beyond belief. For years he was crushing on, yet respectful of, his engaged coworker. Cute! Plus, he's always got a sly comment about all of the ridiculous stuff going on in the office, which just makes his adorable face even more adorable.
Dream Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
To sum it all up, the perfect television man of my dreams is: clever, slightly bad, and always witty. And a nice bod doesn't hurt. ;D
P.S. Why do movie/tv villains always seem ridiculously horny? I'm just wondering.