
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

31 Day Challenge: Day 25 Inspired by Fashion

Have you guys been watching all of the Diamond Jubilee coverage? Well I definitely have. I think I was meant to be a queen... Somebody get on that.

I have been doing this challenge forever. And I'm not gonna lie, I'm about ready to be done. Today's challenge is inspired by fashion. Truthfully, I hate most outrageous fashion stuff. Models walking out in unflattering trashbags just isn't my thing. However, Lady Gaga's outrageous clothes somehow don't count. She just makes it work! I could never, ever ever ever, wear the stuff she pulls off. My nails today are inspired by one of her famous see-through black lace dresses.

I started off with a couple layers of Ulta Sweet Nothings. Then I used a striping brush to add in two black stripes. No, I didn't try to draw her lacy undies. This is more of an abstract interpretation!

Finally, I used a stamping pattern from Drikk DRK-A for the lacy dress. I think they turned out pretty well! A little weird, but still pretty sweet, I think.


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